Visualization - A Powerful Technique For Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

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hey this is Leo for actualised dot-org in this video I'm going to talk about visualization alright welcome back let's talk visualization I'm really excited about this video because visualization is a very very powerful technique and tool that we can use as self development junkies I hope you are one if you are we can use this tool to work directly on our subconscious and to start shaping and working with our self image this is an incredibly powerful thing and I want to get into all the details in this video in this video what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you what visualization is why it's important how it works I'm going to give you a whole checklist that you can go down to do a proper visualization so that you're getting every point correct and then at the very end I'm actually going to take you through a visualization exercise so that you know that you're doing it correctly you're going to do it with me here as you're watching and then you're going to go away and it going to be a visualization master then you can go and practice and get some really powerful life-changing transformational results from using this technique so what is visualization visualization is simply a technique where you sit down quietly by yourself and you use mental imagery your own imagination your using your own your own imagination to to start priming your subconscious mind with various images of the goals that you want to achieve so whatever kind of goals or ambitions you have in your life whatever kind of life you want to create if you're like me and you really want to create a powerful extraordinary life live to the fullest then this is where this relation comes in really really handy because then those goals are going to get programmed into your mind and then it's going to be much easier for you to go out and to take action on them so that's also the why of visualization why do we why do we care about visualization it's because we are self development junkies and we want to accomplish big things in life and I don't know if you've tried but when you try to accomplish something in your life whether it's losing a lot of weight or improving your diet and nutrition or starting a business or improving your career or whatever it is that you want to do starting an amazing relationship if you want to do any of those things and more then you know that you need to really put in something extra extra effort extra initiative and this is where visualization is powerful is that it gets your mind soaked in the imagery and the goals and it creates a sense of motivation so you can go out there and be inspired to do the things that you want to do rather than grinding through them because if you're going to grind through everything then you're not going to accomplish nearly as much so that is the why now let's talk a little bit about the how I'm going to go into a whole list of all the different steps you're going to take the how is basically what you're doing here kind of on an abstract level is that you are using images in your mind to work on your self-image and the self image I actually have a video on self image which is a very critical video for you to watch you should watch it and I'm going to link it down below in the comments section so you can find that really easy but quickly here to recap the self image all it is is it's the the worldview that you create that resides in your subconscious mind so these are the beliefs that you have how you believe the world works how you believe the world is what you believe is true what you believe is false and most importantly what you believe about yourself what you believe your weaknesses are your strengths your capabilities or impossibilities for you so that's the self image and the self image it holds you back from doing the things that you really want to do in your life the reason that is is because most people self self images are flawed and they have a lot of disempowering beliefs residing in there and it's hard to work and shape that self image because those beliefs are below the level of awareness so you a lot of times don't have even the awareness that you have these beliefs you just don't know that you have them and yet they're there and they are they are what's controlling all the subconscious actions that you take in your life and most of your results in life stem from subconscious actions so wouldn't it be nice if we could take this flawed self-image this disempowering self-image that has been accumulated from childhood and all the traumatic experiences that we've had and all that now it's here couldn't we take that and somehow reshape it and engineer it to be the way that we want it to be so that we can get the goals and objectives that we want our life actually realized wouldn't it be cool if there was a way to do that well there actually is and visualization is one of the most powerful ways that I know to do this so it's really about reshaping the self image that's why this thing is so important don't worry if you don't consider yourself a visual person or a natural visualizer I find that most people when you tell them visualization is just a label don't get too hung up on the label most people already visualize in their lives they just aren't aware of it and they don't do it consciously what we're doing here the only thing is is we're just taking conscious control of this process if you take a time from your past where you've accomplished something big or something successful where you overcame a really big challenge where you really accomplish and achieve the major goal which you're going to discover is that the reason that you were able to do that is because you were visualizing your success either throughout the process but especially in the beginning phases so if you start in a business or you if you've worked really hard through college to get a job or a career or maybe you work really hard and got yourself a marriage or relationship so the way that you did that is because you were always dreaming in your mind about what you wanted you had literally images visions of what you wanted and then what happened was that your life slowly by you taking action your life started to come closer and closer and closer to that image and if you were really good then your life maybe even resembles that image perfectly right now or maybe it's even better than your original image or is close to it so this is the process of creation right this is how people create stuff everything in the world that has been created that's meaningful that's big that's ambitious that's beautiful any work of art any business any product any industry any service it all started with a vision it all started with an image in someone's mind this is an important idea to understand and to buy into because if you don't buy into this then you're not going to take visualization seriously and I will show you what the exercise we do at the end just how powerful visualization can be so this is something that is not to be underestimated if you are somebody who wants to create stuff in his or her life and you want to be extremely productive and you want to be successful this is especially important for you because to achieve those goals you have to be driven by it you have to have a sense of inspiration and motivation and imagery is the way that you do that with your mind so this is super super critical so hopefully that proves to you that you already are a visualizer and that this isn't something foreign to you this is just something that now we're really taking control of this process we're really optimizing it and now we're going to use it very consciously and deliberately to plant those ideas in your mind because for most people what I find is that they do visualize but it's very very random and sporadic and so that's the kind of results they get in their life the results are very random in sporadic we don't want that right we want very consistent very powerful results so that means we take this process under our control and here is how so here's kind of the checklist that you're going to follow to do successful visualization off on your own so here's how it works step number one is that you sit down somewhere alone in a quiet room where nobody can disturb you you need some time by yourself you're going to have a timer with you or a stopwatch what I like to do is I like to just have an app on my smartphone with a little countdown timer so that's going to be important that's going to tell you how much time you're spending on your visualizations and you're going to need at least 5 or 10 minutes for this process so that's step number one five five or ten minutes of timer and just sit down step number two is you close your eyes step number three is that you set a focus for your visualization what do you want to visualize so that means some sort of goal or objective or purpose so maybe for you that's losing some weight or improving your business proving your career getting more money or any kind of personal development goals that you have whatever so you goal and make sure it's something specific and something focused don't pick ten different goals or two different goals select just one goal one focus for this session of visualization good next what you're going to do step four is that you're really going to calm yourself down our mind tends to be busy as we're walking around the day doing stuff running our busy hectic lives our mind is always thinking thinking thinking a churning well we want to shut that off to do successful visualization this fourth step it's not strictly necessary a lot of times I will skip it if I'm short on time but I found that if you do it it's going to lead to a more powerful visualization and this is simply you're going to spend one or two minutes just doing some deep breathing with your eyes closed some deep calm breathing breathing nice and deep into your stomach and then breathing out and you're going to do that for two minutes at most just to get yourself a little bit like calm and centered and if you can put your focus in your body put your focus in your breath and in everything that you feel in your body so that you're right now in the moment don't think about the past or the future be present while you're doing this okay so that was step number four you centered yourself now it's time to do the visualization you're going to take your timer and you're going to set five or ten minutes let's say you set five minutes so you set five minutes you click the start button now that five minutes are ticking down what you're going to start doing is you're gonna start visualizing your goal so what is your goal let's use just a throwaway example here so that we are talking about something specific and not abstract how about the goal of becoming a millionaire let's say you want to become a millionaire okay good so if that's your goal now you start picturing it what does it look like to be a millionaire what kind of car would you drive what kind of house would you have what kind of work would you be doing what would you two be doing with your life how would your life be different how would you feel inside would you have a big smile on your face what kind of friends would you have how would your family feel about you so you start thinking and visualizing all this stuff and what the key here is that you want to be you want to be filling your mind with the imagery right vivid vivid imagery the next point that I'm gonna tell you is that you got to be very detailed and as vivid as possible with your images now your images aren't going to be as vivid as real vision they're not going to be that vivid they're going to be murky and hazy some of us are better at visualization than others but what I find and what's been really proven and documented is that as you do visualization you get stronger and stronger and stronger because it's like a muscle you got an imagination muscle in your head and you're flexing it every time you sit down to do this visualization so at first you might start off and it might be little hazy just work through it and try to get as much detail as possible a good trick is to start to use multiple senses so even though this process is called visualization that doesn't mean it only pertains to imagery so definitely have the images there of you being a millionaire but also have the sounds here it what is it what does it sound like to be a millionaire what does it feel like in your body what kind of emotions does it bring up in you senses of touch even smell and taste maybe you see yourself going and having a nice really expensive meal at some restaurant and you're you're tasting that meal and you're smelling it maybe you're touching you're touching things maybe you're feeling the the smooth slick metal body of your of your expensive car and you're running your hand across it right stuff like that you want to get as much detail in there as possible that's going to make it seem more real and that's the treat that's the the trick here is that the more real this feels to you the better because what's happening is that it's it's going from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind and it's programming itself in there as you do this visualization good the next step is that you want to visualize in the now in a present moment so here we're talking about being a millionaire so here what that means is that instead of visualizing yourself being a millionaire ten years from now which is nice what you ought to do is visualize visualize yourself being a millionaire right now right this second your millionaire right now picture yourself being a millionaire right in the moment this is a very important point and many people get this wrong about visualizations that you want to visualize about the present not the future the future is better than nothing but the present is even better than the future your mind will buy into it even more you're basically tricking your mind with this process so to really trick it make yourself feel like you've got it right now and really soak in emotions soak in everything that you're feeling this should be a very emotional experience not a logical experience okay good so that's basically the process you sit there for five minutes or maybe ten minutes your timer rings and goes off that's it you're done now if you want you can do another round of visualization after that maybe on some other goal that you have or you can then get up open your eyes and do whatever you got to do run run your errands and run the rest of your life in your day now a couple of points very very critical this whole visualization process doesn't work unless you do it every single day so if you plan on doing visualization where you do five minutes here 10 minutes the next day and then you skip a week and then you do another five minutes might as well not even try don't bother you're just gonna waste your time because it's not going to work the whole point here is to reprogram your subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is reprogrammed through repetition the way a dog's mind is that's literally how it is so to do that you're gonna have to do this consistently that means weeks weeks have to go by it you consistently doing this visualization every single day like clockwork I do it every single day like clockwork I don't miss a day because I know how important it is for me to be seeding these images of my future into my mind because I'm very ambitious I have very big goals and I know that I'm not going to achieve them unless I do this so for me this is top top top priority structure your day around this do this in the morning maybe do this in the evening do it at lunchtime whenever you can but make sure that you don't skip and the other caveat that I'll throw out there is the point about resistance so when you're visualizing in the now your subconscious mind is going to start coming up with all sorts of resistance to you doing that for example if you're visualizing that you're a millionaire right now and you're actually not a millionaire and let's say you're only earning fifty thousand a year that's your salary and you've never earned within that and you have no idea about how you're actually to become a millionaire if you start visualizing that you're a millionaire right now in the moment then your subconscious mind is going to rebel against you and it's gonna say whoa wait a minute what are you doing here you're not a millionaire you can't be telling yourself that you're a millionaire this is hogwash this is wishful thinking it's fantasy this is not reality we need to be realistic you got to do is got to push through it this is the training process right when you're training a dog the dog is not going to obey you that's the training process it disobeys and you train and you give punishments and rewards same thing here when your mind is disobeying you and resisting you need to drill into it even more with even more intensity so this is a very critical point don't worry that you have resistance especially when you're visualizing about the present and you're really making yourself feel it you have to just fantasize about it and let yourself be in fantasy land for a little while you're not spending the rest of your life or the rest of your day even in fantasy land you're just spending five or ten minutes so shut off your critical mind for five or ten minutes while you do this exercise this is very important okay so with that if you do this process and you do it consistently then you're going to get some amazing results and you also have to have the right expectations so again it might take you at least two to four weeks to start seeing some of the results of this visualization but then you can continue doing visualization even longer and longer and longer and the more you do it then the more benefit you're going to get out of it it's kind of like a meditation practice personally I do it for about 20 or 30 minutes every single day and I've done it for almost a year now straight and I only miss telling maybe one or two days from that whole period because it's that important to me so go ahead and try that out alright so that's the core fundamentals of visualization what I want to do now is I want to give you an actual demonstration of how to do a visualization so I'm going to guide you through one right now okay what I want to do now is guide you through a visualization so this is a live exercise go and do this with me as I'm speaking this will be powerful in it will drill into your mind how visualization is supposed to work all right so go ahead and find yourself a comfortable seat with your back up straight and sit comfortably and relaxed as you do that go ahead and close your eyes and just listen to me talk and let me guide you through this visualization good as you're sitting there now with your eyes closed go ahead and start to feel your body get in touch with your body all the different parts and how they feel now really notice your breath go ahead and take control that breath now and take one deep nice slow breath in and then exhale as you exhale go ahead and relax your whole body good go ahead and pay another nice deep breath in just like that one and exhale and relax your body even more nice feel your mind shutting off and just getting very calm and still and feel your whole body sensing itself get your mind completely into the present moment imagine that there is no past you have no past at all no personal history whatsoever the future forget about the future completely imagine that you have no future at all all you are is what you are right now just the present right now what's happening right now good go ahead and take one more nice deep breath in at your own pace and as you're exhaling that breath relax your body completely good make your mind very still very centered very clear your mind isn't thinking any thoughts it's just being aware of everything it's feeling in its body good go ahead and feel the the soles of your feet go ahead and feel your upper thighs and your butt sitting on the cushion or the surface feel your back muscles all the way from your lower back up through your spine and up to your shoulder blades good now go ahead and feel your arms feel the awareness and sensation going from the shoulders of your arms down through the elbow and the forearms and into the hands good and now feel it go through your fingertips good now shift your awareness to your neck muscles and move that awareness slowly up from your neck muscles all the way up into your jaw and your facial muscles and now relax all of your facial muscles in your jaw completely and finally feel the very top of your head the very point at the very top of your head put your awareness right there good now your whole body is relaxed and nice calm and your mind is very still I'm going to guide you through a visualization now keep your mind just as still as it is right now and just as focused and keep your eyes closed breathe comfortably at your own pace I want you to imagine in vivid detail the following scene imagine that it's a Saturday morning the weekend has come and you've got your whole Saturday free to yourself and it's early morning you feel full of energy you wake up really early in the morning and you decide that today you're just going to spend the whole day golfing you woke up with the Sun you feel full of energy you're focused laser focused you feel totally calm and you walk out onto that golf field it's so really early in the morning the Sun is now up but it's shining in your eyes nice and bright that bright morning sunshine the air feels kind of cool and brisk but you're dressed nice and warm so you don't feel cold it's just nice and refreshing feel the slight breeze across your face as you're out there on the grass and feel your feet your feet have golf shoes on and they're sinking into the wet grass grass a little bit mushy and it gives way to your weight notice how green the grass is it's such a bright rich green the sun rays are hitting that grass and every blade of glass just sparkles and you see the little dew drops on every blade of grass as you're standing there admiring the grass you also take a nice deep breath in with your nose and you start just smell it to that crisp grassy air and the wind it just feels so refreshing and crystal clear that crystal clear morning air and your body just totally relaxed so that you breathe that in your mind is completely still you have no thoughts of work or family or friends or any obligations or the past or the future you're just enjoying yourself on the golf course right now and you hear in birds chirping in the morning as the rising with the Sun there birds all over all around in the trees fly around in the grass you just bask in that you bask in the sunshine you feel the sun rays warming your skin and now you look ahead all the way down the golf course and you see yourself you're at the driving point at the very beginning and hundreds of yards away you see that little white flag the hole and the golf course just looks so peaceful and green and calm and beautiful there's nobody else out here but you you're the only one you just feel good you just feel so good in your body you don't even care about the game you don't care about your shot you don't care about how many strokes you make you just feel good for being out here and now you take one of the balls and you put it down on the tee in the grass and then you bend back up and you grab your driver in your hands and you hold it in your hands you get a nice grip on it you feel the leather of the driver the grip it's nice and soft you feel it on your hands just the perfect grip your favorite grip and you set it down right next to the ball the head of the driver is right next to the ball they're all lined up you look at the ball then you look forward at the white little flag all those hundreds of yards ahead and you just feel so good everything feels so perfect you're all lined up for the shot the club feels just the perfect weight your hands you just lift it off just a little bit off the grass where it was resting and now you're ready for your swing can you swing like butter it's just so smooth and effortless like you were born to make that swing and you just pull the club back and then you sweep it forward right through the ball and arc it all the way across for the follow-through and your driver just hits that ball crisp right in that sweet spot that sound you hear that perfect sound of the perfect hit right at the center of the club with that ball you just nailed it and the power behind that Drive it's just perfect and you look out and you see that ball flying through the air that nice long high arc and then it disappears into the bright Sun and then you see it plop down right on the green right next to the flag and you just smile because that was the perfect shot and this is the perfect morning good go ahead and bask in that for a few more seconds and then we're going to bring you back okay on the count of three I'm going to take a few more deep breaths and then bring yourself out you can open your eyes you're going to come back nice and refreshed feeling good one two three go ahead and open your eyes and welcome back all right how was that so that was a visualization if you did that and I hope you did then I hope you also felt the real power of that now I use this one example of golf I don't know maybe you're a golfer maybe or not I'm actually not a golfer I don't golf but to me that was just a piece one good scene to illustrate the power of visualization I wanted to use something that everyone could really feel and buy into and I hope you've got the the vividness in there that I wanted you to get now I want you to really imagine what would your life look like if all those big goals that you have in your life whether your weight goals your business goals your create career goals your relationship goals whatever if you visualized the way that you visualize right now with this golf scene if you did that for all your major goals and everything that you want in your life and you did that on a daily basis and you did that consistently repeatedly do you think that would help you to accomplish those or not do you think that's worth the 10 or 15 minutes that it takes to do this I think that's worth it for you you think it's worth to master this technique yourself so that you could run this on yourself I hope so it definitely is so I want to encourage you to give it a shot try to make a habit of it and see how far visualization can take you it can take you very very far okay this is Leo I'm signing off this is it for how to do visualization go ahead post your comments down below please like this click the like button right now please share it throw it up on Facebook or wherever you like to share videos shoot your friends and then of course I'm directing you to my newsletter and actualize that all right come and sign up I'm releasing new articles new videos new exclusive content and goodies for you and for my subscribers really every single week this is exclusive content that you can't get anywhere else plus it's free and what I'm doing is I'm giving you the techniques and bit knowledge and wisdom that you need to master yourself to understand yourself on a deep level so you can have that kind of amazing life that you want how do you create that kind of life I want to show you how to create it if you're interested in that go ahead and sign up because there's a lot more great stuff coming and I feel like I'm just getting warmed up my best content is still yet to come so sign up and you're going to be on board for all that you